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Make Your Business Covid Secure with Robotics

Taking steps to try to secure your business in 2020 and beyond is vital, one of the most important tasks to overcome is making the company COVID secure. Being able to adapt and make the best decisions in the midst of a global pandemic is the key to a successful business moving forward.

Companies need to focus more on providing a valuable and essential service, as well as promoting a touchless business model that helps adhere to social distancing and government COVID directives. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is one of the most effective ways to achieve this in 2020.

Handling Goods with Little Human Interaction

A great advantage of robots in industries like meat processing is that automated systems can be used to handle food with little to no human interaction. This is the perfect way to embrace contact-free business practices and ensure the spread of the virus is controlled.

Robotic process automation has led to questions about whether robots might replace human workers in a post-COVID world. However, whilst robotic systems handle the repetitive, and sometimes dangerous tasks, the human previously occupying that role can be given new tasks which promote company growth and innovation.

Allowing humans to be socially distanced

Social distancing is one of the biggest issues that companies have had to face whilst trying to remain fully operational. Of course, a lot of people are able to work from home, but in industries such as meat processing, there is a need for duties such as picking and packing. This makes it increasingly difficult to adhere to social distancing rules with a human workforce. The safest way to tackle this issue is with robotics, as they allow humans to stay socially distanced whilst handling essential business tasks.

Increasing Efficiency with Automated Systems

In the post-pandemic world, businesses simply can’t afford to make mistakes. With so many companies fighting for market share, there is more competition than ever before. It’s important that your business moves in the right direction whilst remaining as fast and efficient as possible to keep up with the demand.

Pick and place robots are a popular choice of robotic process automation. Pick and place robots help boost productivity and efficiency by performing repetitive tasks that would usually be conducted by humans. Pick and place robots reduce the need for manual workers, thus removing the risks that come with them and increasing productivity. Integrating automated systems allow businesses to continue running with reduced human workforces, allowing employees to work safely in a more socially distanced environment.

Achieving Reduced Downtime for Businesses

Another advantage of implementing automated systems into a business is that uptime is massively increased. Fully automated processes can operate in what’s known as ‘Lights Out Manufacturing’ - named as such because a manufacturing process can essentially function in the dark.

Covid-19 came as shock to the world, forcing businesses to adapt quickly to ensure their survival. 6-axis robots aren’t ideal for every setting, however, there are many types of automated systems capable of increasing efficiency, uptime and security.

Businesses that furloughed many employees worked on ‘skeleton staff’ and even shut down during the lockdown period were hit hard. Those that returned to business may have had massive backlogs of work. Looking towards the future, businesses should prepare for similar occurrences. RoboMotion now works in many industries to implement innovative solutions, integrating robotic process automation to make businesses safer and more efficient.

Robotic Process Automation Services

If you’re interested in future-proofing your business with the integration of robotic process automation, contact RoboMotion today. Our friendly team can work with you to implement the solution that's right for your needs. Speak to one of our advisors by calling 01746 866 711 or by emailing