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External R&D Team

External R&D Team vs In House Planning: Which Option Provides the Best Results for Factory Automation?

Factory automation is a hot topic for businesses today, helping them to achieve greater efficiency and accuracy. However, for this to be the case, you need to invest considerably in research and development (R&D). There are two ways you can go about this; keep things in-house or outsource! Which is better? Below, we will take a look at the options in further detail so you can discover which one is right for you.

Why Planning for Factory Automation is Important

The importance of automation in a factory setting cannot be overlooked today. This is imperative when it comes to increasing the quality of your products and your production output. You will also be able to increase the resilience of your business, which is critical when you consider how the pandemic has highlighted how fragile current supply chain models are.

Of course, the world of automation is changing all of the time. In previous years, this only stretched as far as automating reports and schedules via software. However, today, we are talking about the use of robots that can ensure our factories tick like clockwork. This will reduce the possibility of human error while also increasing the efficiency at which tasks are performed within a factory setting.

Should you Take on an External R&D Team? Or Should you Handle it In-house?

Two different options are available to you when it comes to R&D automation. The first is to handle this in-house. The second is to outsource this to an experienced and reputable company. Which solution is going to be better?

The truth is that there is no right or wrong answer. It is all about figuring out what is going to be the most appropriate for you. In terms of outsourcing, you will be able to benefit from expert knowledge. You can tap into the resources and experience of a team of professionals who have been working in robotic automation for many years now. They will be best placed to provide you with the advice and assistance you need to get automation up and running effectively in your factory. You may also be able to make cost savings, as it can cost a lot of money to hire personnel and train them in-house.

On the flip side, some people prefer to go down the in-house route because it means that they are going to have full control over everything. Furthermore, they will have instant access to everyone who is working on robotic R&D, and so they can get quick answers and adapt easily. When outsourcing, the communication side of things can be a little bit more challenging.

Improving your Business with Robotic Automation

As you can see, there is a lot to consider when it comes to determining whether to have an in-house robotic R&D team or whether to hire an external R&D team. We hope that the advice that we have provided above will help you to determine which solution is the best for you when planning factory automation. What would a professional R&D team do for your business? Click here to read how Robomotions R&D team can boost your robotic project to the next level.

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